
Loryvi Grace Leogo

I code, I journal, I write!

Graduated Computer Science at Technological University of the Philippines. Tumblr was the reason I got into Computer Science and my first exposure to coding back in highschool. My first programming language was HTML and CSS. I learned more programming using C during my college years. My Favorite language now are Python and CSS. I honestly think that Javascript is hard, but I am still learning.

During my university days, I became part a of Google Developer Student Club and was an Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning core team member. I started exploring around machine learning and python around 2020.

Currently, I am learning Data Engineering and working on building my digital journal.


A selection of projects I worked on and collaborated with the past few years.



What if you could look up any information in the world? Webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many features to help you find exactly what you're looking for.

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Kamatis | A Pomodoro Timer App

Kamatis | A Pomodoro Timer App

A 25 timer minutes for your pomodoro technique. It is a simple timer that will help you focus on your task. Built with Python and Tkinter.

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Built with Python, Django, and Bootstrap, Yolov5 and Roboflow for custom model. An automated PPE Inspection using object detection which detects facemask and gloves, with an integration of QR Code Clocking System.

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