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Creating a Card Component using HTML, CSS, and Javascript
- Authors
- Name
- loryvi
- @lorycodes
Last December 2023, I recently joined a class from Filipino Web Development Peers on Discord hosted by a mentor who is 15 year old but already expert on HTML, CSS, Javascript!
A task was given to us where have to make a component of a Checkout Card Component. The UI is inspired from Figma Community by Softwareseni and Wirak S. https://www.figma.com/community/file/1158585574208802327/checkout-page
- Solution URL: https://github.com/loryvi/order-form-component
- Live Site URL: https://loryvi.github.io/order-form-component/
My process
Built with
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- CSS custom properties
- Javascript
What I learned
- Dropdown
- Buttons with javascript
- Gradient div
Continued development
- :bulb: Animation for the Checkout Button
- :bulb: Add more product items using API
- :bulb: Responsive Mobile Page
- :bulb: Make it a reusable component!
Useful resources
- https://cssgradient.io/ - Guide for CSS Gradient boxes
- https://fonts.google.com/icons - easy to use, import and has a developer guide!